Music stars
Whom do you think that the most popular male singer in the world? I think you have many more answers. Okay. I think Michael Jackson is the most famous male singer at all the time. Many people called him "The king of the pop”. Michael Jackson is the genius of the pop music. I love his personality and his music. He had sung a lot of sounds tracks. Billie Jean, Earth song, Will you be their, Heal the world are the most popular songs of Michael Jackson. Everyday many people are downloading different kinds of music. They search what the beautiful one or not. Then they decide who the best musician is after that they share that music with friends and social networks. You know that the most popular singers are very rich. They have a lot of money. Everyday many people are downloading different kinds of music. They search what the beautiful one or not. Then they decide who the best musician is after that they share that music with friends and social networks. You know that the most popular singers are very rich. They have a lot of money. Paul McCartney is the richest musician in the world. He had a great voice. Many people got attracted by his beautiful voice. Madonna is the richest female singer in the world. People called her "Queen of pop". I have a problem. Why do people like music this much? Can you give me the right answer? I think you can't imagine the correct answer. They have different music styles in the world. Different people are living in this world. All the people think in different ways. So their choice is different than the others. Both types of people like to be singers. If you have good ablity good skills then you can be a music star. Try to do it. I think you will read my article carefully. Thanks for reading this. God Bless!!
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